It is more than often comprehended that spending too much time with computers and video games just isn´t good for children and teenagers, making them, in the worst case scenario, an unsociable nerd incubating evil thoughts in their dark rooms and gaining massive overweight while using their muscles mostly to only open cola cans.
This idea has been turned around in recent years by several new applications and solutions, which use new technologies of player movement and touch screens. New IT technologies make it possible for players to use their bodies and movements to advance in the game and the game itself can simulate the actual sports, such as tennis or yoga. Technology has been used also to create interactive spaces and sporting environments, where gaming and outdoor sports, using your brain and using your body movements are combined. The possibilities of these technologies are almost limitless and give chance to develop games we never could imagine before. They make people move, dance, play, and do sports.
Lappset offers the DigiPlay concept which introduces IT-based games to outdoors and public spaces. The series includes interactive learning environment, a game unit and Lappset Mobile Playground (in Finnish: leikkialue), which takes gaming outdoors. SmartUs application enables contacts to other children in other physical locations, and the newest solutions features mobile applications as well.
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