Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Lifestyle renovation for the new year

Now that the year has turned and the new one is ahead of us, it is great moment for re-evaluating the lifestyle, the diet and make readjustments if necessary. The long autumn and the dark winter may have reduced the motivation for proper gym and other exercise, but it will be soon regained by the extra energy loaded by the new ideas and hobbies.

There is a lot a talk about food these days such as low carbohydrate diet or raw food. Maybe the best option for the new year´s diet renovation is to keep sure that the diet is variable enough and doesn't contain too much of fats and sugar. Load enough of fresh vegetables and such on your daily lunch plate as well. Super foods and dietary supplements will add to the nutritional value of the daily intake.

Food isn´t however the only key to healthy and long life. Proper and regular exercise will be needed as well, and no diet will make you slim and fit and the head wont follow your lifestyle renovation without exercise. Gyms offer a sophisticated plans for making your lifestyle healthy, with the help for example of personal trainer. Yoga and Pilates classes are often scheduled for working people. Self motivated sports can be more attractive choice for those, who feel that regular classes and personal trainers too committing. For elderly people all kinds of senior sport ( in Finnish: senioriliikunta ) choices are available, such as nordic walking, light jogging and gymnastics. The present condition and the future targets guide to suitable way of physical exercise.

The most useful however is, that you remember the good ambitions you had in the first days of the year also later in the year, when the summer starts to knock on our doors.

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